The new Microarea Portal is now On-Line

24 November 2008 by szarino

 by Sonia Zarino

The new Microarea Portal is now On-Line with a spanking new web site that has been completely renovated from a graphics, content and usability point of view.  The idea behind this change is to establish an immediate contact with you the user.

Usability, simplicity of content, easy to navigate: just a few of the key words about this brand new Microarea web site.

This new site has been designed to furnish clear, immediate and pertinent answers to the busy users of the web.  The new Microarea Portal has been created as a set of itineraries capable of guiding the user to the information that he or she is looking for in that particular moment in time.

Final users, partners or simply anonymous visitors are accompanied through the various sections according to the choices made by menu driven options, and who can find the information required in just a few clicks of a button.

Microarea has decided to go down the road that leads to the web as the numbers supporting the design of the new portal demonstrate: 12 resources dedicated for the development, and 40% of the technical and marketing structures utilised to process the content and inherent technology.

The new portal is even richer with information and is available in different formats:
•    video, available with the click of a button according to the various navigation threads;
•    Adobe .pdf format, available to be downloaded and printed (market and product documentation);
•    video streaming (e-learning and video-courses);

To give you an idea of the wealth of the free material available on the Microarea Portal, there are 104 e-Learning training courses for you to understand Mag.Net in microscopic detail, 70 video steaming courses, 14 Promotional Training Demos and more than 200 Screenshots showing the most significant scenarios.

You can also download product brochures in .pdf format in English and Italian and other interesting novelties, sheets about successful experiences and testimonies given by the users of  These explain how the various Companies have been able to fully satisfy their management requirements thanks to the implementation of our software and support from reference partners.  

Another novelty is represented by the possibility of visitors, recognised by the site as Microarea users or partners, to interact with the site and to comment about the latest news posted in the area dedicated to companies.  However, all of you can keep updated about our products thanks to the RSS which allows you to keep your eye on the latest issues without having to navigate through the site.

In a few weeks a forum will be made available where users and partners alike will be able to interact with each other and with Microarea, to easily and quickly exchange information, opinions, ideas and observations in order to share the know-how and expertise that characterises our community.

As is normal for a web portal there are many other things in the pipeline and over the next few months additional novelties will be introduced to further enrich the content and functionality.  This is the new challenge that Microarea, together with its partners and users, is preparing to gather together and the results of which, we are absolutely certain, will not be lacking.


6 November 2007 by press

Hundreds of improvements in each single functional area, four separate versions to meet perfectly the needs of all types of companies, and the release of Enterprise Edition: this is how Microarea has re-defined the range of ERP solutions on the market for SMEs.

Microarea has just announced the availability of its new product portfolio on 2.9 This platform, which brings together hundreds of improvements to the most important features, is coming out in four different editions to meet the specific needs of small and medium-sized enterprises who feel the necessity to implement such management solutions supporting and enhancing their business processes.

The currently available editions are Standard Edition, for small or start-up businesses with an aim to work with IT tools at a high level, Professional Lite Edition, specifically designed for small commercial agencies and wholesalers, Professional Edition, the solution of small and medium-sized businesses and manufacturing companies, and not least, Enterprise Edition.

This last edition particularly represents Microarea's latest innovations and developments. Enterprise Edition integrates all experiences and know-how of the Genoese software house, what makes it an ideal solution for medium-sized businesses and manufacturing firms who would like to take advantage on an ERP platform to make their business processes much better performed.

Besides the advanced modules for production control and production resource and material planning, Enterprise Edition also comes with a range of features that are extremely interesting for medium-sized businesses, such as a comprehensive management of drawings with an opportunity for defining revisions and associating a drawing code with notes; the possibility of adding an infinite number of technical notes to product charts; budgeting throughout individual processing stages; and a multi-calendar with different factory calendars, each of them with its own shifts. Enterprise Edition also includes a powerful Control Panel by means of which production orders, and all relative documents can be viewed from the same window. Using the control panel the operator can also carry out all those operations which are usually managed by different departments, such as starting production, processing, budgeting, collecting goods, and preparing documents.

Stable, since it is based upon a technology used by thousands of companies, Enterprise Edition is laden with systematic features such as web-based report consulting, adding to Excel and Word through xml files, or even the possibility of integration and personalization with third party solutions by using Web Services. It goes naturally with a great care that has been taken by data security features and processed information by the platform.

Another positive point about Enterprise Edition is its innovative licensing model.

The product comes with two types of CAL: Finances and Full.

The Finances CAL lets users utilize all features in the area of accounting and financial, and sales and purchases, while FULL also gives access to the features in the area of manufacturing and production planning.

These licences mean a guarantee of investment on real-time, as they let the End-users utilize all the new features, what Microarea will release in the areas of Finance and Production in the future.

“With our new Product Portfolio 2.9., we feel we have focused even better on the needs of SMEs. Now all types of organisations can find an answer to their specific needs on Microarea Platform, including medium-sized businesses with high-level management requirements", says Enrico Itri, President & CEO of Microarea.


28 March 2007 by press

Greater security and the support of Windows Vista for release 2.7. Official Microsoft certification is expected for Microarea’s ERP platform during 2Q 2007.

Microarea announces the release of ERP platform version 2.7 which further improves data security management and supports Windows Vista, Microsoft’s new operating system.

Microarea’s “Vista” certified ERP version ( 3.0) will be released in 2Q 2007. Certification is underway to ensure the platform meets high performance standards on Windows Vista.

Thanks to its open architecture based on SOA technology, the new version lets users exploit the new operating system on both homogeneous and mixed networks where PCs with Windows Vista and Windows XP are installed. This way, businesses can gradually migrate to the new operating system, installing it according to real need and without having to make immediate and significant investments.

From the functional standpoint, data security was further improved in the ERP platform by adopting advanced encryption algorithms that permit fully secure information administration without compromising exchange rapidity and efficiency. Compatible with Microsoft and Oracle databases, 2.7 does not have special hardware requisites when running on Vista; the specifications required by the operating system are sufficient.

Excerpt from: DataManager, March 2007


26 February 2007 by press

he Genovese software house, long-standing Microsoft partner, was invited to present at the “Building the future together: The new technological partnership directions” conference to be held in Milan on March 7th at the Hotel Melià..

During the two days of the Business & Application Platform Summit, Microsoft will hold the meeting “Building the future together: The new technological partnership directions” for its partners. During this event, Microsoft experts and partners, including Microarea, will share their experiences and success stories on Application Platform, the new advanced platform able to promote market opportunities.
The invitation to present its experience as a Microsoft partner is proof of the consolidated technological partnership that has traditionally tied the Genovese software house to the American giant which present Microarea with the “Microsoft Partner Award FY 06” last September.
Summit events will provide further information on how Microsoft’s range differs from the competition and what advantages they may bring, offering a known analyst’s point of view and presentations from Microsoft partners.
Stefania Micheli, software developer, will represent Microarea at the event, illustrating the current status of Microarea products regarding the use of SOA technology. The presentation will describe numerous development tools available to Microarea partners who create customizations and vertical tools for its renowned ERP,, which, in keeping with the Microarea tradition, is distinguished for the innovative technologies used.

Microarea provides various development tools for its developer partners: From Woorm, the report maker, to Magic Documents, used to create direct interfaces with Word and Excel, from XGate, the data import and export tool, to Task Builder and, lastly, Magic Link, to create vertical solutions integrated with the program.
Specifically, the latter allows for an SOA type architecture to be implemented in the program to fully exploit the flexibility and customization and integration simplicity with
All these tools and many more were designed to create value for the channel which can simply and quickly customize tailor the best solution for each business need.


3 September 2006 by press

The business expansion of the international software vendor continues. After debuting in the markets of Eastern Europe and China, the company - through the partnership with Opta Consultores - has entered one of the most dynamic and economically active countries in Latin America: Chile. keeps strengthening its presence on the global markets: after Europe and Asia, it is now spreading into Latin America, starting from Chile. After successful business in China as well as Hungary, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Greece, Slovenia and Serbia, Microarea is taking another major step, closing a distribution partnership with Opta Consultores, an important Chilean company with several years’ experience in the ERP software business.

Following the agreement with the Chilean partner, Microarea will deliver the first release in Spanish, in a country that has recently shown a very lively activity in terms of enterprises and, more specifically, IT business.

On the other hand, the choice of by Opta Consultores was based on the desire to respond to increasing demands by Chilean SMBs. Such demands are well known to the Latin American distributor, who boasts great expertise in the distribution and localization of ERP solutions for that market.

The partnership with Microarea will help Opta Consultores acquire new market shares, thanks to a complete solution based on innovative technology, capable of increasing the performance of users and their companies.

“We are satisfied with this new partnership that marks the debut of Microarea in Latin America. Chile is a fast-growing country and can certainly be a competitive tool for Chilean companies. Through the partnership with Opta Consultores, we are confident we can correctly interpret and respond to the IT requirements of entrepreneurs in Chile”, said Enrico Itri, CEO, Microarea.


28 June 2006 by press


Microarea presents the Polish version of, a new ERP solution, aimed at supporting and optimizing the management processes of small and medium businesses in Poland. This platform provides high-level performance, high scalability and its use of ease thanks to Magic Documents, a tool that also enables the not- expert users to interact with their company's data in, simply applying Word and Excel, as interfaces.
From now on, the national IT Channel in Poland can expand its business opportunities with a product that has already been tested by thousands of companies worldwide.

Microarea, an international vendor of ERP solutions for Small and Medium Businesses, comes to Poland through a strategic collaboration with Rayo, a Poland software house, founded in 1989, concentrates on the needs of SME companies with an absorbed experience in implementing ERP systems solutions that is in charge of the functional localization and coordination the local distribution.

As Microareas's innovative, complete and easy to use solution is ready to be used in Polish market, Microarea is continuously negotiating with strategic retail partners in order to cover all the regions in Poland.

Microarea has achieved a prominent position in the Italian market and several other countries like Hungary, Romania, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Slovenia and China thanks to its leading-edge technological solution.
Significant features of have allowed Microarea, to stand out in the global market as a reference partner for the IT-based development of business processes.

A dynamic actor in the IT market, founded in 1984, Microarea mainly addresses the sector of manufacturing and wholesaler SMBs. For these companies, Microarea has developed an offer combined excellent technological solutions with availability of effective services, delivered through a network of reliable resellers.

With an international channel including over 350 resellers and more than 15,000 customers, the IT Vendor, historical partner of the IT world leading companies such as Microsoft and Oracle, Microarea is expanding its strategy on international level, offering its solution portfolio in several countries.

Today, Microarea enters to the Polish market with its business application,, with the goal of supporting the growth of local SMBs, which have a growing need to optimize their operations with complete and technologically advanced IT solutions, easy to use, flexible and integrated - through specific modules - with Microsoft Office.

Microarea's debut in Poland offers significant business opportunities to local IT resellers, who can have a new product which has provided a brilliant response to SMB requirements, as proved by it success in other regions where it has been distributed so far.

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