now is also Business Intelligence!

18 June 2012 by fperricone


InfoBusiness Connector is the module for 3.7 that allows joining the Business Intelligence world while enjoying consistent benefits thanks to precise, clear and immediate view of the company dynamics.

by Fabrizio Perricone
Product Marketing Manager

The information that you manage everyday with is a precious corporate asset. A focused analysis of the corporate information allows making the right decisions at the right time. provides an integrated tool, Woorm, which is useful in order to create and modify reports. Nevertheless, at times, a report is not enough. The report lacks in providing immediate interpretation through, for example, graphs. Also, the report does not have the dynamism and elasticity that often proves to be of crucial importance in certain areas.
The solution, offering dynamism, accuracy, elasticity and immediacy in reading and understanding the company, is called InfoBusiness. InfoBusiness is the Business Intelligence solution, made in Zucchetti, perfectly integrated with thanks to the InfoBusiness Connector module.

Just imagine being able to view your sales numbers organized according to the total amounts instead of according to the client. With a report, you should normally ask for an update (...a not easy task). With InfoBusiness all you need to do is double click!

With the Business Intelligence, you can see the data organized in a different format instead of the usual list: you can see the information distributed on a map, upon which (thanks to different color shades) you can immediately identify the different areas profitability. Through the use of a histogram or pie chart, you can rapidly understand the trends and distribution of the company dynamics. The dashboards instead, provide you with clear and immediate indicators in order to understand if you are facing positive or negative information. You can also the see the information in a chart format but with dynamism unknown until today. You can drag the information so to create on the spot groupings, and you are free to enter information that was initially other words, you now can analyze the data how you consider most suitable, hence gaining benefits from an efficiency and efficacy point of view for your everyday work.

With InfoBusiness Connector, Microarea provides you with a tool perfectly shaped to your company needs. Thanks to the full integration existing between and InfoBusiness it is you who decides which data shall be managed by the Business Intelligence. You can analyze the data concerning the financials and forecast accounting, the credit and debit exposure, the data referring to the jobs, the sales/purchase cycle, and warehouse.

Thanks to the new module, can now be considered as a software perfectly integrated with a Business Intelligence tool, hence ensuring top reliability. The procedure specifically created by Microarea, jointly with the InfoBusiness Development team, is in fact able to generate automatically the information infrastructure necessary for the correct functioning of the Business Intelligence.
As usual, Microarea will keep in high regard the practical side of the offered solutions. InfoBusiness Connector allows operating straightaway thanks to swift and easy settings.
In order to show you (in an entertaining way) the characteristics of the new module and the potential benefits for your company, a short video (with subtitles in English) has been made available. You can watch the video on the Microarea YouTube channel...and you can enter a comment! 

Efficacy, integration, autonomy, precision and simplicity: make a quality choice and rely on the support provided by InfoBusiness Connector, provide your company with a real Business Intelligence! is ready to rumble at SMAU Bologna 2012

16 May 2012 by vsalaris



The next brilliant rendezvous with innovation is SMAU Business Bologna, the 6th and 7th of June 2012. Microarea will attend the event with a truly outstanding stand!

edited by the Marketing Department 

For the next stop of the great ICT, which will take place in North-East Italy, Microarea is ready to give a consistent and important contribution: 14 Partners, Platinum and ISV, will participate at SMAU Business Road show Bologna!

Wednesday 6th of June the Microarea Platinum Partners will be there for you: Giga, Tecnobiemme, A.Esse.I., Handmade, Sedoc Finance, Maxi Data e Servizi.IT. Instead, on Thursday 7th of June, the partners attending will be the Platinum Infores Srl, Centro Sistemi Treviso, Kirio, Proxima and the ISV Partners Proximo, IGP Software e Treebyte.  This exclusive list of partners will be happy to show you all the new technological features regarding that are designed in order to create new business opportunities and manage at best all of your corporate needs.

Demonstrations and in depth analysis, along with the presentation of specific solutions created by the Microarea Partners, the aim of which is to increase productivity and competition in specific merchandising sectors (these ranging from the manufacturing management to the treasury, from the fashion to retail, and lots more): the Microarea stand in Bologna promises to be an electrifying meeting point for technological excellence and visitors.

If you are a company in the ICT world, and you are looking out for a turning point for your activity, come visit us and find out the benefits and advantageous in becoming a Microarea Partner!

In order to plan your visit at best, make sure you visit the SMAU Business Road show: you will find all the information regarding the event.
Microarea will take care of the rest: in order to let you see with your own eyes the quality of the products and services of Microarea and its Partners, the ENTRANCE TICKET IS FREE: Book now!
Microarea and the Partners will be waiting for you: trust us, you cannot miss out!

Credit limit management for tailored credit

10 February 2012 by vsalaris


The new module ensures a precise management of the customers' credit limit thanks to strategic and efficient controlling operations along with a top-level customization.

edited by the Marketing Department 

The new year brought along many new features "made in Microarea". The new release 3.6 of is rich as in regards to new functions and growingly useful under many aspects. The area of, which has enjoyed most benefits from this overall product improvement, is the administration, and sales and purchase cycle thanks to the new module Credit Limit Management, created in order to ensure a wide and on time management of the credit limit allowed to you customers. 

The Credit Limit Management module is the utmost complete solution for your company. This thanks to the customer status analysis, the four parallel customer limit management lines, the possibility to keep track of the credit delivery and invoicing, the wide integrated reporting together with the an outstanding level of customization. In other words, you can keep full control over the order fulfilment according to needs and requirements. 

Besides being coherent with the company's policy as in regards to the credit limit management, the module can be entirely customized hence allowing to apply preferential behaviour parameters for each single customer.  

Thanks to the control functions, which operate automatically during the crucial phases of the sales cycle (from the order acquisition to the order delivery), the program behaviour can be driven in a pre-established manner or manually forced in certain situations, decided according to the situation.  

The Credit Limit Management module allows to block to a sales order should one or more parameters (relating to the credit management) be disobeyed, this meaning that the order can be registered yet not fulfilled unless being unblocked. 

When saving documents such as a sales order, delivery note or invoice, checks the credit limit. If one or more verification identify a crossing over the allowed limit, will block or warn the End User, this according to the pre-established setting. Thanks to the Credit Limit Exposure window, available within all documents, you can get hold of clear graphic indications (traffic light) along with a warning regarding the parameters that have been disobeyed and the ones that ask for particular attention.  

The available lists allow to have full knowledge of the allowed credit limits, the exposure of each single customer, the customers that have exceeded the limit according to the parameters and last, but not least, the blocked orders. The reporting system of the Credit Limit Management module is a truly efficient monitoring tool able to help you in the analysis of each customer any time you deem this necessary.

The benefits and advantages offered by this new module are amplified by the possible union with EasyLook, the latter allowing to use very easily the Credit Limit Management module also via Internet! For just one second, think how easily your agents will be able to verify, in real-time from their iPads, the credit limit of each single customer.   

If you wish to have a full view of the highlights offered by the Credit Limit Management, have a look at this short video. Your M.L.U. service is active and you are interested in recieving further details regarding the functions of the new module? Microarea provides you with possibility to follow a useful NON EXISTING PAGE e-learning course  in order to learn all there is to learn on the Credit Limit Management...directly from your office desk! 3.6: a new release ready to be discovered!

18 January 2012 by fperricone 3.6  

Over 100 new functions and a new module will be available to you in 3.6, the new release ready for download to all End Users covered by the M.L.U. service.

by Fabrizio Perricone

Any company or professional position that relies on in order to improve their everyday work will surely enjoy the benefits brought about by the new features included in the 3.6 release!

A new module will surely enrich the functional performance level of Credit Limit Management. The module ensures full control over the credit limit made available to your customers, managing in a fully customized way, and thanks to effective graphical descriptions, the status of the credit limit throughout the various phases of the sales cycle. has been enriched with a whole series of new functions: let us have a look at various significant highlights.

The storing of the documents with EasyAttachment proves to be a vital solution for any company: today we can search for any type of document, found within the archive, simply by typing part of the text of the electronic document! The employment of the barcodes, for the filing of each document, guarantees a storing system increasingly precise and simple.   

For those of you who are often out of office, or work on Mac, you will be glad to know that from now on you can export in MS-Excel the data of the reports also from the Internet browser thanks to the EasyLook module.

is the present and the future of the customization: also in 3.6 there are several new features providing incredible advantages to all developers, increasing the possibility of creating tailored solutions whilst facilitating the access to the resources.

Within the WMS area (logistics), the barcode management is now extended also to the GS1-128 type, highly flexible and able to contain a large quantity of information, which is essential within certain market segments such as the food industry, where the item code, lot and expiry date are information obtainable thanks to one single scan: an outstanding time saving! The 3.6 release also makes available the so-called cross-docking, the procedure that makes the goods receipt and shipment an exceptionally fast and clear-cut procedure, this when there is no need to stock the goods within your warehouse. The management of the Wi-Fi handheld devices (ensured by the WMS Mobile module) allows managing at 360 degrees the receipt of the goods, this besides featuring countless improvements ergonomically speaking, hence making the terminal work in a faster and easier manner.  

The allocation order procedure, along with the analysis on the single order, in the purchase cycle is a truly outstanding feature. Such procedure analyzes contemporarily the head data and the data found within each line of the customer order, providing for the delivering of the goods only if the latter are available: an excellent tool to rationalize the transportation costs.

Moving on to the customers, suppliers and contacts masters, we can find new important information, such as the certified e-mail address (PEC) or the GPS coordinates of the various HQs.

The administration is also "on the move". A great number of new features, including an enhanced functionality regarding the Declaration of Intention, which can be addressed to a specific Customs office, to the fundamental subdivision according to the rates of the invoices issued but not yet collected, necessary for the correct filling out of the VAT annual statement. What proves to be also very useful is the new procedure that allows to automatically close the payables and receivables accounts in the bill book of the customers and suppliers, this with a residual balance lower to the value applied to the end user. The same procedure allows creating journal entries. In 3.6, the cost centre and the jobs from an analytical point of view are optimized throughout the comparison between the actual and budget values, this in order to keep track of the company profitability. The accruals and deferrals are now available also in forecast accounting and the creation of an intra-year balance is now really simple! 

The manufacturing control area also moves fast forward thanks to its integration with the WMS, this throughout the management of the downloading of the components from the pre-shipping document. The lots generation in manufacturing has now become even more flexible and able to adapt to the requirements of each company thanks to the new parameterizations. The versatility of the manufacturing orders, which allow modifying the phases also should certain manufacturing operations be running, has been enhanced further.

All of the above is just a tiny part of what the new release 3.6 is able to offer to your company. If you wish to find out more, read the release note and make sure you are covered by the Microarea Live Update Service in order for you to proceed with the downloading of the update. If instead you want to receive more information regarding the M.L.U. service, get in touch now with the Microarea Sales Department.

Put yourself in the hands of your Microarea Reseller referral in order to update your in a totally safe and reliable way.

Microarea and the evolution moves along

4 April 2011 by fperricone 3.5 renews itself once again.
A passionate renewing named 3.5 

by Fabrizio Perricone
Product Marketing Manager

New logo and graphical design, integration with Google Maps and Skype in order to offer a top level productivity to each end user and, above all, new modules specifically created as to offer even more to each company.

EasyAttachment: this is the name of the document filing system made in Microarea. The new module allows attaching any electronic document (file) to the ERP accounting document (ranging from the master to any type of transfer).  

The Warehouse Management System module, commonly named "logistics", is another amazing stronghold of this new release of

Microarea wishes to provide another astonishing new feature: EasyBuilder. Thanks to EasyBuilder, the customisation of the layout of the data entries can be accomplished in a fast and simple way. Should there be the need to reach a more in depth modification level, EasyBuilder provides the possibility of exploiting the power of the programming languages .Net (C# and VB.Net besides Woorm script) in such a way as to provide total freedom. 3.5: more powerful, easier to use, able to relieve the pressure of the everyday work as well as of the extraordinary tasks.

The even more incredible fact is that 3.5 is indeed an update included in the Microarea Live Update service: you can download the MLU service free of charge from the Microarea website!... If you have not subscribed to MLU service yet make sure you call now the Microarea International Sales Department.

Watch the 3.5 presentation video: two breathtaking minutes.

You have a wide range of choices in order to gain further information regarding the new modules of the 3.5 release:

  • You can read the articles published in the "Microarea Chronicles" blog (1, 2, 3);
  • You can watch the relating videos loaded on the Microarea YouTube channel
  • Do not miss out the white papers that outline the project details and allow to find out how to improve your company's efficiency thanks to EasyAttachment and the Warehouse Management System, whilst bearing in mind that EasyBuilder is available also for the end user that wishes to customise his/her
  • Furthermore, you can visit the Product area found within the Microarea website: here you can find furtehr in depth information. provides over 140 new features allowing your company to enhance its efficiency. 3.5, the simple evolution: no "migration" or complex procedure in order to update. Just as another service pack but with loads more in to it! 

Next step? Call now your Microarea Reseller referral...and make sure you update!

The Foreign market: an excellent business opportunity

29 September 2010 by nazam

The Foreign market: an excellent business opportunity

The foreign market represents an excellent opportunity for your business growth.
Microarea makes available in 10 languages and conforming to the legislations in force in the various European countries.  

by Fabrizio Perricone
     Product Marketing Manager

The difference existing between a “normal” company and a “successful” company, more than often, is given by the entrepreneurial ability to drive your investments along the right road.

Lately, a large number of Italian companies have decided to invest their money in East European countries. The European market is highly competitive, and the possibility of gaining access to countries which until few years ago were considered “off limits” or quite “hard” to reach, now offers excellent opportunities of business growth.

Microarea, throughout, sets forth on the market an all-round and flexible tool for the investment management in foreign countries. Ten languages available and five specific fiscal localisations: is the perfect choice to make sure that your company is sure of using the same management tool in Italy as well as abroad.

Over 200 companies in Hungary, Romania, Poland, Switzerland and Bulgaria use daily to manage all of their corporate operations at the very best. There is large number of Italian companies that use within their HQ (Headquarters) in Italy as well as in their subsidiaries abroad: this allows you to keep under control your business also thousands of kilometres away.

Being connected via Internet to your remote server with EasyLook, or managing the exchange of data off-line in XML with a scheduled and automatic approach, are both examples of how is able to remove distances and bring close by also the utmost remote installation.

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