Microarea and Mago.net: the evolution moves along

4 April 2011 by fperricone

Mago.net 3.5  



Mago.net renews itself once again.
A passionate renewing named Mago.net 3.5 

by Fabrizio Perricone
Product Marketing Manager

New logo and graphical design, integration with Google Maps and Skype in order to offer a top level productivity to each end user and, above all, new modules specifically created as to offer even more to each company.

EasyAttachment: this is the name of the document filing system made in Microarea. The new module allows attaching any electronic document (file) to the ERP accounting document (ranging from the master to any type of transfer).  

The Warehouse Management System module, commonly named "logistics", is another amazing stronghold of this new release of Mago.net.

Microarea wishes to provide another astonishing new feature: EasyBuilder. Thanks to EasyBuilder, the customisation of the layout of the Mago.net data entries can be accomplished in a fast and simple way. Should there be the need to reach a more in depth modification level, EasyBuilder provides the possibility of exploiting the power of the programming languages .Net (C# and VB.Net besides Woorm script) in such a way as to provide total freedom. 

Mago.net 3.5: more powerful, easier to use, able to relieve the pressure of the everyday work as well as of the extraordinary tasks.

The even more incredible fact is that Mago.net 3.5 is indeed an update included in the Microarea Live Update service: you can download the MLU service free of charge from the Microarea website!... If you have not subscribed to MLU service yet make sure you call now the Microarea International Sales Department.

Watch the Mago.net 3.5 presentation video: two breathtaking minutes.

You have a wide range of choices in order to gain further information regarding the new modules of the 3.5 release:

  • You can read the articles published in the "Microarea Chronicles" blog (1, 2, 3);
  • You can watch the relating videos loaded on the Microarea YouTube channel
  • Do not miss out the white papers that outline the project details and allow to find out how to improve your company's efficiency thanks to EasyAttachment and the Warehouse Management System, whilst bearing in mind that EasyBuilder is available also for the end user that wishes to customise his/her Mago.net.
  • Furthermore, you can visit the Product area found within the Microarea website: here you can find furtehr in depth information.

Mago.net provides over 140 new features allowing your company to enhance its efficiency.

Mago.net 3.5, the simple evolution: no "migration" or complex procedure in order to update. Just as another service pack but with loads more in to it! 

Next step? Call now your Microarea Reseller referral...and make sure you update!

Microarea Convention 2011: Sold out!

16 March 2011 by fperricone

Microarea Convention 2011

A large number of Partners attended the Microarea Convention 2011, held at the Hotel Parchi del Garda in Pacengo del Garda on the 10th of March.

Many new features including the forthcoming issue of Mago.net 3.5

by Fabrizio Perricone
Product Marketing Manager 

Three hundred people attended the Convention 2011. Remarkable the presence of the foreign Partners: over 20 of them arrived from Hungary, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Poland and Romania! 

The expectations have not fallen short: many topics have been set forth and highly important new features have been announced. Three new modules of Mago.net 3.5 have been officially presented and illustrated throughout visual demonstrations. The three new modules just mentioned are Warehouse Management System (logistics), EasyBuilder (customisation development tool) and EasyAttachment (documents filing management).  

If you wish to find further information on the three new modules, check out the blog herewith: you will find specifically relating articles.

Respecting the timetable became a quite difficult task mainly due to the highly consistent number of people attending the event. Nevertheless, thanks to a efficient "back-end" work, the delay in regards to the schedule was very limited.
The first presentation was held by President Enrico Itri: a clear-cut, precise and incisive picture of the past, present and (above all) of the great ideas and innovations that Microarea has in store for the future.   

Next was Fabrizio Perricone, the Product Marketing Manager. He introduced to everyone, thanks to a breathtaking video, the new logo and the graphical design that will come with the release 3.5 of Mago.net. Furthermore, he highlighted the excellent results obtained by the Microarea website along with the main services provided to the Users and Partners by the website itself.   

The Sales Director Mario Aschiero, throughout a brilliant speech, brought everyone's attention on the outstanding results obtained in 2010, identifying the increase in the number of end users as the strategic goal that the Microarea Partners need to pursue in 2011. Such goal is the only "medicine" able to fight back the product contract cancellations due to the financial crisis that caused the closing down of many Mago.net user companies. Mr. Aschiero also underlined the ethical aspects that Microarea and its Partners share in order to offer high quality services to all Mago.net users.   

The Microarea Award 2011 ceremony just before lunch break: magnificently presented by the Microarea International Sales Channel Manager Réka Ujj, the Partners awarded were Micron Srl (best Italian Partner), Magoarea Ltd. (best foreign Partner) and Mario Infante of Giga Srl (best contribute to the Microarea Community).

The after lunch was characterized by the outline of the new features available in the 3.5 release of Mago.net: four sessions during which the slides were set a side in order to give way to actual demonstrations.

The interview to Andrea Rinaldi (CTO ERP division) offered the opportunity to highlight the new "cool" characteristics of the product! Integrated Skype call, address verification via Google, template report, organisation chart management and lots more...also if, to say the truth, the 25 minutes of the presentation were too few to show the over 130 new features available in Mago.net 3.5!   

The second demo which took place in the afternoon focused on EasyAttachment with a Q&A between Anna Bauzone (Project Manager) and Fabrizio Perricone. The document storing system made in Microarea proved to be truly simple and efficacious.

Next came the Marco Perasso and Matteo Canessa (two members of the development team) presenting EasyBuilder: easy to use and incredibly effective, EasyBuilder is the tool which allows creating customisations in Mago.net. More than often the demo was interrupted by the spontaneous applauses of the audience.   

Giuseppina Sperico (Logistics Team Manager) and Francesco Ricceri (he who developed the software of the hand held devices) showed to everyone how the new module Warehouse Management System can significantly improve the logistics management of the warehouse. The solution for the management of the Wi-Fi handheld terminals was presented during an interesting unscheduled presentation. 

Towards the end Mario Aschiero described the "Go to Market" of the three new modules: aggressive prices and full support to the Partners on behalf of Microarea

Last but not least, a truly interesting "Q&A" session.

What a busy day it has been, with lots of information provided and positive communication: the audience followed all presentation with great attention well past six o'clock in the afternoon!  

Multimedia material will be soon available on the Microarea channels (official website, Youtube..).

The Foreign market: an excellent business opportunity

29 September 2010 by nazam

The Foreign market: an excellent business opportunity

The foreign market represents an excellent opportunity for your business growth.
Microarea makes available Mago.net in 10 languages and conforming to the legislations in force in the various European countries.  

by Fabrizio Perricone
     Product Marketing Manager

The difference existing between a “normal” company and a “successful” company, more than often, is given by the entrepreneurial ability to drive your investments along the right road.

Lately, a large number of Italian companies have decided to invest their money in East European countries. The European market is highly competitive, and the possibility of gaining access to countries which until few years ago were considered “off limits” or quite “hard” to reach, now offers excellent opportunities of business growth.

Microarea, throughout Mago.net, sets forth on the market an all-round and flexible tool for the investment management in foreign countries. Ten languages available and five specific fiscal localisations: Mago.net is the perfect choice to make sure that your company is sure of using the same management tool in Italy as well as abroad.

Over 200 companies in Hungary, Romania, Poland, Switzerland and Bulgaria use Mago.net daily to manage all of their corporate operations at the very best. There is large number of Italian companies that use Mago.net within their HQ (Headquarters) in Italy as well as in their subsidiaries abroad: this allows you to keep under control your business also thousands of kilometres away.

Being connected via Internet to your remote server with EasyLook, or managing the exchange of data off-line in XML with a scheduled and automatic approach, are both examples of how Mago.net is able to remove distances and bring close by also the utmost remote installation.

Microarea Portal makes it 6!

25 February 2010 by fperricone

 Portale Microarea poliglotta

The global market is increasingly restive: new contacts, new business opportunities, new partnerships. Microarea is now multi-lingual, reaching out to its many markets!

by Fabrizio Perricone - Product Marketing Manager

Our increasingly enhanced presence in Bulgaria, Poland, Rumania, Switzerland and Hungary has urged Microarea to...make it 6!

In addition to Italian and English the Microarea Portal is now also available in Rumanian and Polish. And very soon we’ll be adding Bulgarian and Hungarian versions!

The Microarea Portal has always spoken two languages: Italian and English. Maintaining content in two languages constantly aligned is an important mission for us, offering businesses north of the Alps the opportunity to get to know Microarea and ERP Mago.net.

Microarea wants to further increase its presence in countries in which it is already a solid business reality, providing its End Users, Partners and simple Contacts a vital benchmark to help them keep constantly up-to-date on product innovations, while allowing them to get to know and make the most out of the functions provided by Mago.net modules, and much much more!

Keeping content on the Portal up-to-date in six languages is undoubtedly a daunting task, but the advantages provided by the increased visibility will widely pay back the effort required.

The website "new" languages will allow Microarea to be easily reachable via Google searches and using other search engines in "reference countries", enhancing visibility for the entire Microarea Community, formed by its Partners and Users, and obviously by Microarea!

Never made use of the function for viewing the Microarea website in a language other than the preset language? It’s simple: use the drop-down menu in the top right corner and choose a country!

1 year of MLU = 250 new features in Mago.Net!

30 January 2010 by fperricone

 250 novità per Mago.<i>net</i> nel 2009

During 2009 Microarea released numerous, important innovations for Mago.net. Discover the tangible benefits offered by the MLU (Microarea Live Update) service!

by Fabrizio Perricone - Product Marketing Manager

It would be enough to mention a number...or better still a release: 3.0! The latest version of Mago.net offered to all users with active MLU and no cost for the download, this is already a good reason in itself why thousands of companies have made the right choice to keep their MLU active!

In 2009, 8 software updates were published among Service Pack and Release (from 2.12 SP1 on 11 February to 3.0 on 20 November): an update every month and a half! A significant commitment from Microarea to ensure that Users who have subscribed to MLU always have an updated product that performs and offers an increasingly pleasurable and profitable user experience!

Summarizing the most important improvements here, choosing from among over 250 that were implemented in 2009, is not easy! Let’s give it a try!

On the theme of fiscal changes, the Transport Card was introduced in 2009 and Microarea, with the 2.13 Service Pack 3, has provided an innovations package that allows you to obtain all the information required on all the column divisions used to accompany the goods.

In the administrative-accounting area, the plafond management has been made more precise and flexible at the same time, for example it is also possible to consider documents to be received entered in the Forecast Accounting.
Automatically managed long-term accruals and deferrals are without doubt a great help to the person in charge of bookkeeping. Reassessment on the date of the accounts operated in foreign currency and the customer/supplier entries with the possibility to interactively choose the accounts/entries to be reassessed is really convenient!

In the logistics area, a batch procedure linked to picking lists makes creating the accompanying documents faster and more secure than ever.
Availability concerning the individual deposit is even more simple and immediate, and can be obtained directly while entering a discharge document: just open the pull-down menu associated with the article being entered!
The agent can also be managed at the clients’ branch level (other locations): greater adaptability to the variegated managements of the Commercial Officials.

The short paragraph dedicated to manufacturing opens with an introduction of the E.C.O. (Engineering Change Order) feature that allows the changes on each bill of materials to be checked, through a kind of workflow, keeping its history!
For improved job production cost control, the link between reject and batch can be kept.
Management of the Make or Buy policy for the material components offers a further tool for carrying out production in the most appropriate way at any given moment.
The possibility of managing production using the Kanban method is another "gem" that was added to Mago.net in 2009: it can really help to simplify the production process!

The Tools & Technologies section opens with the new WEB interface that allows full, secure and fast use of Mago.net from a remote location: you just need a PC or smartphone connected to the Internet!
The new Windows user interface greatly improves the user experience and productivity of each individual user: file card or free management always ensures the best solution for every requirement.
Continuous improvement of performances, new functions for WOORM (report maker integrated in Mago.net) in order to obtain reports with increasingly useful and profitable graphic and functional features.

A very quick round-up that does not do justice to the huge amount of work carried out on Mago.net. You are invited to access the download area of the Microarea website to discover details of the innovations implemented.

To access the download area, so you can update Mago.net, simply subscribe to the Microarea Live Update service.

In 2009, those who had active M.L.U. were able to benefit from over 250 innovations, always prompt compliance with the law, a brand-new 3.0, hundreds of e-learning courses and access to the Microarea Community Forums!
If your M.L.U. is not active, don’t wait any longer: call your local Microarea Reseller to discover the convenience of always being up-to-date!

Mago for Italy's Abruzzo region

17 July 2009 by fperricone

Mago for Italy's Abruzzo region

by Fabrizio Perricone - Product Marketing Manager

The mobilization to help the earthquake victims of Abruzzo is remarkable. 

Microarea and Tecnobiemme (Italian Platinum Partner) have been provided a "technological help" to Civil Protection and Fireman to solve the problem of stocking the all the things collected in the rubble.

Thanks to Mago and the customizations made by Tecnobiemme, the picking and the classification of the goods is done applying a label on each object: the type of object, the status, the owner are printed on the label.

The operator in the repository uses terminal unit connected to the Mago database to specify the location of each object.

Mago provides useful statistics about objects stored in the repository and it allows to immediately know where an object is located.

At the moment of giving an object to the owner, thanks to the use of the terminal unit connected with Mago it is possible to recover an object in seconds. Before to consign the object to owner a report is printed and it must be signed by the owner himself.

Just an help to assist all the people that everyday works for Abruzzo's people.

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