A series of road shows has been organized to illustrate the Channel the high potential of this “bundle”: in Milan (4-7 April), Padua (6 April) and Rome (10 – 12 April).

The bond between Microarea and Microsoft is further strengthened thanks to an agreement that lets the IT Channel offer the SMB market a bundled product: Mago.net, Microarea’s ERP platform, and Office 2003.

The technological possibilities offered by Mago.net’s Magic Document module, “emblematic” of the integration between the Microarea ERP suite and Microsoft Office, is at the base of this initiative.

In fact, Magic Documents lets you simply create interfaces in Word and Excel documents able to interact with management data. This opens the doors to greater ERP platform use throughout the office, providing easily and readily accessible essential data to staff members who do not normally use the program.

Practical demonstrations will be provided on this innovative integration during the road show.
From the sales standpoint, the partner’s program, business opportunities, training courses, marketing support and incentives will all be illustrated.

The road show, scheduled for April 4, 6 and 12 dedicated to the Microsoft channel and April 7 and 10 for the Microarea one, provides the two companies with way to mutually introduce themselves and form new partnership relations.

Microsoft distributors can thus become Microarea partners while Microarea partners will be given the opportunity to become new Microsoft points.

A Webcast has also been set up for those who can’t make the event.