The installation is performed through a wizard which helps the user to make the proper choices.
To start the wizard double-click on the msi file or digit the proper command (
see KB000003 ).
Before starting the installation:
- make sure you are connected as administrator,
- disable the UAC - User Account Control (if the o.s. allows it),
- +R+UserAccountControlSettings.exe
- run the setup through the "Run as Administrator" option (see KB000003 ).
First of all, it checks for requirements.
In details it checks:
- the .Net Framework presence
- the IIS presence
- the status of IIS services
- the status of Server service (needed for sharing over the network)
in case of lack or malfunction of at least one of them, a
Summary form is being displayed
that provides the
Help button, which redirects to the specific section of the Help Center.
Vice versa, if the prerequisites check is successful, a
Welcome form is being displayed to start the setup by performing the following steps:
1. Choose language application
In this step you can choose the preferred language. To add other languages is necessary to choose
Advanced settings.
As certainly already known, one of the main functions of Mago4 is the
multi-language support. This not only means that the program forms are translated into all the supported languages, but above all that Mago4 can be fully adapted to the local accounting-fiscal rules.
functional localization is embedded in the serial number used for activation and
is not, therefore,
controlled by this parameter.
2. Accept the EULA
Please, take the necessary time to carefully read the End User License Agreement before to tick the checkboxes, that allow you to continue to the next step. Thanks to the
Read in PDF button also you can show the EULA, through the PDF reader program available in your system. If the reader lacks, a Windows system message will be showed.
3. Choose the setup type
Choosing the
Default settings, reccomended for demo installation and/or stand-alone configuration, the installation process manages all the parameters:
- Installation Path -> %ProgramFiles%\Microarea (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microarea on 64bit o.s.)
- Installation Name -> Mago4 (corresponding to a subfolder of the above path)
In case it conflicts with homologous virtual folder it is renamed through progressive index e.g.:
Mago41. This feature aims to avoid conflicts with previous versions (i.e. 2.x), with virtual folders handmade or related to any incomplete uninstallation, but does not allow multi-instance since it is not provided nor supported.
- Web site -> Default Web Site (usually identified by Id=1 and listening on TCP port 80)
Otherwise, more skilful users can choose the Advanced settings to customize every aspect of the installation
including the above parameters
including the ability to select a different Web site (name and TCP port),
and choose the features to be included or excluded
reminding that:
- Mago4 is mandatory and can not be excluded,
- Taskbuilder Framework is mandatory and can not be excluded,
- Taskbuilder Studio adds ReportingStudio and EasyStudio,
- each Language Package contains: the Default data, the Sample data , and the Dictionaries needed to the translation.
The Language Package associated with the Application's language (set in step 1.), is automatically selected, with the exception of English, being the native language with which the program has been developed, does not have the language package. It is always possible to include or exclude others at a later time simply re-running the Setup.
4. Summary installation settings
Before starting the installation process, by pressing the
Install button, a brief summary shows the installation settings (auto-proposals or selected by the user) that will be applied.
Once the installation actions end
Client setup generation process starts,
needed to run the Client Setup on the remote clients.
To install a desktop client on any PC of the local network, use a browser to open the Client Setup web page (http://<server name>/MagoNet).
A web page with the list of the client components available to install is displayed.
Please note that the Administration Console is itself a client component that you may wish to install on different PCs of the network.
To install the Mago.Net desktop client, click on the "Mago.Net" link.
After clicking the link, you will be asked either to run or save the attached executable, choose "Run".
You may be prompted to install some missing prerequisite (i.e.: Visual C++ Runtime Libraries), choose "Install" to go on.
At the end, you will be finally prompted to confirm the installation of the Mago.Net client.
Choose "Install" and wait for the installation to complete. The Mago.Net desktop client is automatically opened.
As the client is deployed as a Microsoft ClickOnce package, each time you will run the desktop client again, a check that a newer version is available on the server will be automatically done; if yes, it will be automatically installed.
In case you installed and used the previous 3.0 Alfa or Beta versions, upgrade them to the final version is not supported.
You have to uninstall the old version and reinstall the new one.
Upgrading the system and company databases is not supported, also. It is suggested to drop the old ones and create new databases.
To upgrade a previous 2.x installation is necessary firstly install Mago.Net 3.0 as described in the previous chapter: the two products, in fact, have a different installation structure, and the 2.x folders will be not overwritten.
Then, you can select the system database used with the 2.x version: it will be automatically upgraded to the new version.
It is now possible to go on with the company databases upgrade, as usual.
If you have done some customizations in the 2.x version (i.e.: report, Favorites menu, etc.) you must copy them from the 2.x server folder to the 3.0 one:
- the source folder will be
C:\MicroareaServer\<instance name>\Running\Custom
- the target folder will be
C:\Program Files\Microarea\MagoNet\Custom
After the copy, check that the "Custom" folder has the right permission set ("Everyone" - "full control" are required).